Prayers of an Atheist

As an atheist I am often asked why I pray on a daily basis. To whom or what do I direct these prayers? I wrote this in 2012 in an attempt to explain. I pray because it works; my life goes better when I pray. My prayers are an expression of my highest aspiration. I do not believe in a deity who grants wishes or takes an interest in me personally, but I do believe that if I remind myself on a daily basis what my highest aspirations are, then I am more likely to think, speak, and behave in way that manifests these qualities in the world around me. 

May I be the best person I can be, kind to myself and kind to others, helpful to myself and others, honest with myself and others, patient with myself and others, keeping promises I make to myself and others, giving attention to the successes large and small of myself and others, to the good qualities of myself and others, to the good intentions of myself and others, able to squarely face and acknowledge the pain and suffering of myself and others, to give freely without consideration of reward, and to know that in all areas I will often fall short and go astray. In such circumstances may I discern the signs and move quickly to apologize when others are involved, act quickly to make amends or restitution, and move ahead with more skill, more compassion, and more wisdom.

As I aspire to all this and succeed or fail according to my capacity, my understanding and my fate, may I remember that others are on their own journey, have their own goals and aspirations, and that I cannot take a single step for them on their path. Should I be asked for advice, may I remember that my opinion is my own and may not be the way that another needs to go. May I set worthy standards for myself and learn from my mistakes. May I live fully, love deeply, and die happy.